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Docusign vs. Cling

Looking for an alternative to Docusign? Meet Cling.

Beautiful proposal document.

Docusign was a pioneer.
We're picking up the baton.

Docusign is a great company who paved the way for eSigning software. Modern eSigning tools like Cling wouldn’t be what they are today today without them.

That said, you're here for a reason. And the fact of the matter is that Docusign is primarily good at one thing only, eSignatures.

If you don't need a complete document eSigning tool then Cling probably won’t be a good fit for you. But if you care about providing an enjoyable and seamless experience for your team and anyone making business with you, you're in the right place.

Legally Binding eSignatures

Solve all your signature needs with our secure & digital signatures. Sign from anywhere and on any device.

Built-in Editor

No more switching between apps to make drafts or adjustments. Use our award winning editor to create your documents.


Save time with templates. Re-use your most common templates, packages or paragraphs of text.

Over 10,000+ companies, both big and small, are growing their business with Cling.

So what sets Cling apart from Docusign?

Here are a couple of areas where Cling outperforms Docusign.

Legally-binding eSignatures
Alerts & notifications
Free trial
Custom branding for documents and emails
Text message deliveries
Responsive documents
CRM integrations
Document analytics
Content library
Pricing tables
Video attachments

Spend less time switching back-and-forth between different apps. Cut your costs & increase your teams productivity with an end-to-end agreement solution.

Save 15 mins per proposal

Content Library

Use the content library to share and re-use your content across your team. Save your most common proposal templates, paragraphs, blocks etc.

Automatic Reminders

Send automatic follow ups to your prospects. Don't let any more deals slip through the cracks.

Document Tracking

Get instant insights into when your prospects receives, reads or responds to your documents.

Advanced Analytics

Makes smarter decisions with our analytics dashboard. Optimize for what works best between different teams, proposals and clients. Get insights into which proposals or package offerings drives the most revenue or upsell.

Simple eSign with Cling

Get 76% Faster Responses

Sending a text message along with an email decreases the average response time from 3 days to less than a day.

SMS & Email delivery
Only email delivery
Simple eSign with Cling

Secure eSignatures

Send documents with legally binding eSignatures. Our eSignature software is secure without being complicated to use. Treat your clients with the best experience available with our smooth eSignatures.

"Cling is a fantastic proposal tool with beautiful and professional proposals."
Benny Törnqvist
"We use Cling simply because it is great. It does everything we want in a simple way!"
Ena Begovic
"We're sending beautiful and legible agreements to our clients. We love it and our clients love it."
Tobias Gardebrink